It gives me great pleasure to announce that the 3DNA/DSSR project is now funded by the NIH R24GM153869 grant, titled "X3DNA-DSSR: a resource for structural bioinformatics of nucleic acids". I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to continue working on a project that has basically defined who I am. It was a tough time during the funding gap over the past few years. Nevertheless, I have experienced and learned a lot, and witnessed miracles enabled by enthusiastic users.

Since late 2020 when I lost my R01 grant, DSSR has been licensed by the Columbia Technology Ventures (CTV). I appreciate the numerous users (including big pharma) who purchased a DSSR Pro License or a DSSR Basic paid License. Thanks to the NIH R24GM153869 grant, we are pleased to provide DSSR Basic free of charge to the academic community. Academic Users may submit a license request for DSSR Basic or DSSR Pro by clicking "Express Licensing" on the CTV landing page. Commercial users may inquire about pricing and licensing terms by emailing, copying

The current version of DSSR is v2.4.5-2024sep24 which contains miscellaneous bug fixes (e.g., chain id with > 4 chars) and minor improvements. This release synchronizes with the new R24 funding, which will bring the project to the next level. All existing users are encouraged to upgrade their installation.

Lots of exciting things will happen for the project. The first thing is to make DSSR freely accessible to the academic community. In the past couple of weeks, CTV have already issued quite a few DSSR Basic Academic licenses to users from all over the world. So the demand is high, and it will become stronger as more academic users become aware of DSSR. I'm closely monitoring the 3DNA Forum, and is always ready to answer users questions.

I am committed to making DSSR a brand that stands for quality and value. By virtue of its unmatched functionality, usability, and support, DSSR saves users a substantial amount of time and effort when compared to other options. My track record throughout the years has unambiguously demonstrated my dedication to this solid software product.

DSSR Basic contains all features described in the three DSSR-related papers, and includes the originally separate SNAP program (still unpublished) for analyzing DNA/RNA-protein complexes. The Pro version integrates the classic 3DNA functionality, plus advanced modeling routines, with email/Zoom/phone support.


Does 3DNA work for RNA?

At the C2B2 party this afternoon, I was asked the question: “Does 3DNA work for RNA?” Well, a good question, indeed. The short answer is definitely, YES. However, a detailed explanation is needed to address the underlying intuitive assumption: 3DNA is only for DNA.

  • The name 3DNA was due to Dr. Olson, after we struggled quite a while. Initially, we played with NuStar (which was actually cited once by Richard Dickerson et al.), and Carnival etc. I still remember the day when Dr. Olson asked me “How about 3DNA?” We immediately reached an agreement: that’s it — what a cute name! Another advantage (as it becomes clear later): since 3DNA starts with ‘3’, it (mostly) shows up right at the top of many on-line lists of bioinformatics tools.
  • Interpreted literally, 3DNA could mean 3-DNA, i.e., the three most common types of DNA: A-, B- and Z-form. That may be one of the reasons where the misconception that 3DNA is only for 3DNA comes from. Another reason could be that structural work on DNA is what the Olson lab best known for.
  • The number ‘3’ in 3DNA should also be associated with its three key components: analysis, rebuilding and visualization. In a sense, this is my favorite.
  • Of course, 3DNA stands for 3D-NA, 3-Dimensional Nucleic Acids, as expressed explicitly in the titles of our two 3DNA papers (2003 NAR and 2008 NP).

The applications of 3DNA to RNA structures can be broadly categorized as follows:

  • Automatically detect all existing base-pairs, Watson-Crick (A-U, G-C, wobble G-U) or non-canonical, using a set of simple geometric criteria. Furthermore, it has a unique base-pair classification system based on the six numerical structural parameters, suitable for database storage and search.
  • Automatically detect all triplets or higher-order base-associations.
  • Automatically detect double helical regions, regardless of backbone connection, thus ideal for finding pseudo-continuous coaxial stacking.
  • The above three features are seamlessly integrated with the visualization component to allow for easy generation of publication quality images. See the 3DNA 2008 NP paper for detailed examples.

As further examples, the following two RNA publications take advantage of find_pair from 3DNA:

It is well worth noting that the base-pair detecting algorithm in RNAView is based on an earlier version of find_pair, a basic fact ignored in the RNAView publication.

In summary, 3DNA works for RNA as well as for DNA, and more.

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What's special about the GpU dinucleotide platform?

Recently, I (together with Drs. Wilma Olson and Harmen Bussemaker – a team with a unique combination of complementary expertise) published a new article in Nucleic Acids Research (NAR): The RNA backbone plays a crucial role in mediating the intrinsic stability of the GpU dinucleotide platform and the GpUpA/GpA mini duplex. The key findings of this work are summarized in the abstract:

The side-by-side interactions of nucleobases contribute to the organization of RNA, forming the planar building blocks of helices and mediating chain folding. Dinucleotide platforms, formed by side-by-side pairing of adjacent bases, frequently anchor helices against loops. Surprisingly, GpU steps account for over half of the dinucleotide platforms observed in RNA-containing structures. Why GpU should stand out from other dinucleotides in this respect is not clear from the single well-characterized H-bond found between the guanine N2 and the uracil O4 groups. Here, we describe how an RNA-specific H-bond between O2’(G) and O2P(U) adds to the stability of the GpU platform. Moreover, we show how this pair of oxygen atoms forms an out-of-plane backbone ‘edge’ that is specifically recognized by a non-adjacent guanine in over 90% of the cases, leading to the formation of an asymmetric miniduplex consisting of ‘complementary’ GpUpA and GpA subunits. Together, these five nucleotides constitute the conserved core of the well-known loop-E motif. The backbone-mediated intrinsic stabilities of the GpU dinucleotide platform and the GpUpA/GpA miniduplex plausibly underlie observed evolutionary constraints on base identity. We propose that they may also provide a reason for the extreme conservation of GpU observed at most 5’-splice sites.

As a nice surprise, this publication was selected by NAR as a featured article! According to the NAR website:

Featured Articles highlight the best papers published in NAR. These articles are chosen by the Executive Editors on the recommendation of Editorial Board Members and Referees. They represent the top 5% of papers in terms of originality, significance and scientific excellence.

I feel very gratified with the “extra” recognition. From my own perspective, I can easily rank this paper as the top one in my publication list: from the very beginning, I has been struck by the simplicity and elegance of the GpU story. Hopefully, time will verify the validity of this scientific contribution.

Behind the hood, though, there is a long, complex (sometimes perplexing), yet interesting story associated with this work. Here is how it got started. While writing the 3DNA 2008 Nature Protocols (NP) paper, I selected the (previously undocumented) ‘-p’ option of find_pair to showcase its capability to identify higher-order base associations, using the large ribosomal subunit (1jj2) as an example. I noticed the unexpected O2’(G)⋅⋅⋅O2P H-bond within the GpU dinucleotide platform in a pentaplet (Figure A below). I was/am well aware of Leontis-Westholf’s pioneering work on Geometric nomenclature and classification of RNA base pairs which involves three distinct edges – the Watson-Crick edge, the Hoogsteen edge, and the Sugar edge, yet without taking into consideration of possible sugar-phosphate backbone interactions (Figure B below). So I decided to double-check, just to be sure that the H-bond was not spurious due to defects in the H-bond detecting scheme of find_pair, and the finding was very surprising.

Backbone-edge in GpU platform

The following section was re-added into the 3DNA NP paper in the very last revision:

It is also worth noting that the G1971–U1972 platform is stabilized not only by the well-characterized G(N2)⋅⋅⋅U(O4) H-bond interaction, but also by a little-noticed G(O2’)⋅⋅⋅U(O2P) sugar-phosphate backbone interaction (Fig. 6a). Examination of the 50S large ribosomal unit (1JJ2) alone reveals ten such double H-bonded G–U platforms, far more occurrences than those registered by any other dinucleotide platform (including A–A) in this structure. Apparently, the G–U platform is more stable than other platforms with only a single base–base H-bond interaction. We are currently investigating this overrepresented G–U dinucleotide platform in other RNA structures. (p.1226)

See also Is the O2’(G)…O2P H-bond in GpU platforms real?



What find_pair in 3DNA can do

Structural analysis of nucleic acids used to be a rather tedious process, especially for irregular, complicated RNA structures and nucleic-acid/protein complexes [e.g., the large ribosomal subunit of H. marismortui (1jj2)]. Without valid base-pairing information arranged properly in a duplex fragment as input, analysis programs such as Curves+ and analyze/cehs in 3DNA would produce meaningless results. The program find_pair in 3DNA was originally created to solve this specific problem, i.e., to generate an input file to 3DNA analysis routines directly from a nucleic-acid containing structure in PDB format. It is what makes nucleic acids structural analysis a routine process — running through thousands of structures from NDB/PDB can be fully automated.

Overall, find_pair has more than fulfilled the goal of its initial design (as stated above). Over the past few years, its functionality has been expanded and continuously refined (kaizen 改善), making find_pair itself a full-featured application. Now, it is efficient, robust, and its simple command line interface allows for easy integration with other bioinformatics tools. Properly acknowledged or otherwise, find_pair has served (at least) as one of the key components in many other applications (RNAView, BPS, SwS, ARTS, to name just a few). Indeed, find_pair is by far the single program in 3DNA that has received the most questions (as evident from the 3DNA forum).

While I still have to write a method paper to describe the underlying algorithms of find_pair in detail — i.e., for identifying nucleotides, H-bonds, base pairs, high-order base associations, and double helical regions — the basic idea is intuitive and very easy to understand: as summarized in our recent GpU paper”, find_pair is purely geometric based (with user adjustable parameters) and allows for the identification of canonical Watson–Crick as well as non-canonical base pairs, made up of normal or modified bases, regardless of tautomeric or protonation state. For example, in the GpU paper”, we chose the following set of stringent parameters to ensure that the geometry of each identified base pair is nearly planar and supports at least one inter-base H-bond: (i) a vertical distance (stagger) between base planes ≤ 1.5 Å; (ii) an angle between base normal vectors ≤ 30°; and (iii) a pair of nitrogen and/or oxygen base atoms at a distance ≤ 3.3 Å. Other criteria (documented or otherwise), such as the distance between the origins of the two standard base reference frames, are just filters to speed up the calculations.

In a nutshell, find_pair has the following two core functionalities:

  • The default is to generate input to the analysis routines in 3DNA (analyze/cehs) for double helices. However, there are many more job to perform under the hood than just identifying base pairs: the base pairs must be in proper sequential order, and each strand must be in 5’ to 3’ direction, for the calculated step parameters (twist, roll etc) to make sense. Moreover, with the “-c” option, one gets an input file to Curves (but not Curves+, yet); with the “-s” or “-1” option, find_pair treats the whole structure as one single strand, and is useful for getting all backbone torsion angles.
  • Detect all base pairs (regardless of double helical regions) and higher-oder (3+) base associations with the “-p” option. This feature (in its preliminary form) was there starting from at least v1.5, which was released at the end of 2002 (just before I left Rutgers), but it was intentionally undocumented. The source code of find_pair (as part of 3DNA) was tested and shared within Rutgers (NDB and Dr. Olson’s laboratory) before any 3DNA paper was published, and served as the basis for several other projects. We also offered 3DNA (with source code) to a few RNA experts for comments; but we received either no responses or politely-worded negative ones. Things did not work out as (what I thought) they should have been, but that’s life and I have learned my lessons. The “-p” option was first explicitly mentioned in the 3DNA 2008 Nature Protocols paper, to illustrate how to identify the two pentaplets in the large ribosomal subunit of H. marismortui (1jj2).

It is interesting to mention the two papers I’ve recently come across: the first is on DNA-protein interactions and the second on RNA base-pairing, where new algorithms were developed to detect base pairs and their performances were compared with find_pair. In each of the two cases, it was claimed that find_pair missed certain pairs where the new methods succeeded. As it turned out, however, in the first case, simply relaxing find_pair’s default H-bond distance cut-off 4.0 Å to 4.5 Å, as used by the authors, virtually all the missing pairs were recovered. In the second case, the “-p” option, which should have been, was simply not specified.

After nearly a decade of extensive real-world applications and refinements, it is safe to say that find_pair is now a versatile and practical tool for nucleic acids structure analysis. Of course, I will continue to support and further refine find_pair as I see fit. Once in a while, I just cannot stop but to think that find_pair is to nucleic acids what DSSP is to proteins: simple and elegant. As more people become aware of its existence, I would expect find_pair to gain even more widespread usage, especially in RNA-structure related research areas.



Curves+ vs 3DNA

While browsing Nucleic Acids Research recently, I noticed the paper titled Conformational analysis of nucleic acids revisited: Curves+ by Dr. Lavery et al. I read it through carefully during the weekend and played around with the software. Overall, I was fairly impressed, and also happy to see that “It [Curves+] adopts the generally accepted reference frame for nucleic acid bases and no longer shows any significant difference with analysis programs such as 3DNA for intra- or inter-base pair parameters.”

Anyone who has ever worked on nucleic acid structures (especially DNA) should be familiar with Curves, an analysis program that has been widely used over the past twenty years. Only in recent years has 3DNA become popular. By and large, though, it is my opinion that 3DNA and Curves are constructive competitors in nucleic acid structure analysis with complementary functionality. As I put it six years ago, before the 13th Conversation at Albany: “Curves has special features that 3DNA does not want to repeat/compete (e.g. global parameters, groove dimension parameters). Nevertheless, we provide an option in a 3DNA utility program (find_pair) to generate input to Curves directly from a PDB data file” on June 6, 2003, and emphasized again on June 09, 2003: “We also see Curves unique in defining global parameters, bending analysis and groove dimensions.” 3DNA’s real strength, as demonstrated in our 2008 Nature Protocols paper, lies in its integrated approach that combines nucleic acid structure analysis, rebuilding, and visualization into a single software package (see image below).

3DNA v2 composite image

Now the nucleic acid structure community is blessed with the new Curves+, which “is algorithmically simpler and computationally much faster than the earlier Curves approach”, yet still provides its ‘hallmark’ curvilinear axis and “a full analysis of groove widths and depths”. When I read the text, I especially liked the INTRODUCTION section, which provides a nice summary of relevant background information on nucleic acid conformational analysis. An important feature of Curves+ is its integration of the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories. In contrast, 3DNA lacks direct support in this area (even though I know of such applications from questions posted on the 3DNA forum), mostly due to the fact that I am not an ‘energetic’ person. Of special note is a policy-related advantage Curves+ has over 3DNA: Curves+ is distributed freely, and with source code available. On the other hand, due to Rutgers’ license constraints and various other (undocumented) reasons, 3DNA users are still having difficulty in accessing 3DNA v2.0 I compiled several months ago!

It is worth noting that the major differences in slide (+0.47 Å) and x-displacement (+0.77 Å) in Curves+ vs the old Curves (~0.5 Å and ~0.8 Å, respectively) are nearly exactly those uncovered a decade ago in Resolving the discrepancies among nucleic acid conformational analyses [Lu and Olson (1999), J. Mol. Biol., 285(4), 1563-75]:

Except for Curves, which defines the local frame in terms of the canonical B-DNA fiber structure (Leslie et al., 1980), the base origins are roughly coincident in the different schemes, but are significantly displaced (~0.8 Å along the positive x-axis) from the Curves reference. As illustrated below, this offset gives rise to systematic discrepancies of ~0.5 Å in slide and ~0.8 Å in global x-displacement in Curves compared with other programs, and also contributes to differences in rise at kinked steps. (p. 1566)

Please note that Curves+ has introduced new name list variables — most notably, lib= — and other subtle format changes, thus rendering the find_pair generated input files (with option ‘-c’) no longer valid. However, it would be easy to manually edit the input file to make it work for Curves+, since the most significant part — i.e., specifying paired nucleotides — does not change. Given time and upon user request, however, I would consider to write a new script to automate the process.

Overall, it is to the user community’s advantage to have both 3DNA and Curves+ or a choice between the two programs, and I am more than willing to build a bridge between them to make users’ lives easier.

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